Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Anti-Obama Ad....On BET?: BET Running Anti-Obama Ad That Says "Support Of Gay Marriage Is A Slap In The Face" [VIDEO]

BET is currently running an ad sponsored by the Pivot Point PAC that is clearly against President Barack Obama. The spot is currently running in Cleveland, Ohio and Seattle, Washington, and alleges that despite initial excitement at the prospect of having the nation's first African-American president, Obama has passed measures that are not in the best interest of the Black community.

In the 30 second, black and white spot, an African-American woman and man assert that Obama has cut aid to Black colleges and Black small businesses, while also adding, "And his support of gay marriage is a slap in the face to people of faith."

The ad closes with the question, "How can I vote for someone who doesn't respect me?"

Neither of the candidates endorse this commercial. BET recently aired a documentary titled Second Coming: Will Black America Decide The 2012 Election, that analyzed the mobilization of the Black vote.

Slate reached out to the Pivot Point's chairman, David Shemwell, who is white, and explained his motivation. "I've been working with a fellow named Wayne Perryman, a local black evangelical pastor in Washington state who's been active in gang outreach and various religious outreach programs," said Shemwell. "Since he's also a Romney supporter, I said I want to reach out into communities that are not Republican. I started talking about jobs, and all the things that people have in common, and he said: You're not going to reach anyone that way."

Thus the creation of the ad. Interestingly, Shemwell noted that he could buy a national ad on BET for just $2000.

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