Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Intelligence Files LMAO!: Prostitute Busted After Accepting Undercover Cop's Invitation To Meet At Police Station

An Oregon woman was arrested for prostitution after she was lured to a police station by an undercover cop. Earlier in the month, Christal D. Smith drove 50 miles to meet a man she thought was a client.

The two corresponded via telephone and through text messages, and even when she noticed that the meeting spot was the Salem Police Department, Smith remained dedicated to her customer service skills.

Once Smith arrived at the destination, she walked past several officers and saw signs reading “Salem Police Department,” but was undeterred. Her final destination inside the precinct was an unmarked door, where she thought she'd find the client.

Instead, police were sitting on the other side and she was booked into the Marion County Jail on charges of prostitution, and promoting the act. She was released three days later.

Police first identified Smith, 20, via a website, and came up with the sting idea as a way to tackle the epidemic.

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