Saturday, February 2, 2013

Gotta Be Careful SMH: Applebee's Waitress Fired For Sharing 'I Give God 10%' Tip Receipt

Be careful what you post on Reddit. It may just get you canned.

Earlier this week, an Applebee’s waitress posted a photo on Reddit of a receipt from an alleged pastor who, instead of leaving the suggested 18 percent tip, wrote “I give God 10%, why should you get 18.” Now, after the bill went viral, Applebee's has fired the waitress, according to Consumerist.

“I thought the note was insulting, but it was also comical," the waitress, whose name is Chelsea, told Consumerist. "I posted it to Reddit because I thought other users would find it entertaining."

Apparently once the receipt hit the Internet, the supposed pastor forgot the Golden Rule of “love thy neighbor” and called the Applebee’s where Chelsea works to demand that she and all management involved be fired.

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