Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Obviously Eyes Wide Shut SMH: Rihanna Covers Rolling Stone; Says Chris Brown Won't "F**k Up Again"

For the second time in her career, Rihanna snags the cover of the illustrious Rolling Stone Magazine.

In this issue, she talks as candidly as ever about her rekindled relationship with the volatile Chris Brown. This comes nearly four years to the day that the Fortune pop star left the Barbadian singer battered and bloodied inside of a luxury vehicle the night of the 2009 Grammy Awards. Brown plead guilty to assault and performed community service, but he remains on probation.

“I decided it was more important for me to be happy. I wasn't going to let anybody's opinion get in the way of that. Even if it's a mistake, it's my mistake," The pop princess told Rolling Stone. "After being tormented for so many years, being angry and dark, I'd rather just live my truth and take the backlash. I can handle it.”

The backlash she speaks of comes from not only her fans, but from Brown himself. The Def Jam starlet says without qualms that she is ready to walk away from him again if he even displays the slightest hint of his past behavior towards her.

“When you add up the pieces from the outside, it's not the cutest puzzle in the world. You see us walking somewhere, driving somewhere, in the studio, in the club, and you think you know. But it's different now. We don't have those types of arguments anymore. We talk about Isht. We value each other. We know exactly what we have now, and we don't want to lose that. He doesn't have the luxury of f**king up again. That's just not an option. I can't say that nothing else will ever go wrong. But I'm pretty solid in the knowing that he's disgusted by that. And I wouldn't have gone this far if I ever thought that was a possibility.”

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