Thursday, May 23, 2013

No Bueno: Jose Canseco Accused Of Rape, Names Alleged Victim

Joe Canseco is being investigated over allegations that he r@ped a woman in Las Vegas, TMZ reports. Authorities are looking into the claim, but Conseco isn't necessarily helping the situation.

According to the website, a woman filed a police report with the Las Vegas Metro Police Department, which opened an investigation into the May 10 incident. The ex-baseball star is denying the whole thing, and is not considered an actual suspect but a "person of interest."

Canseco however announced that he was "charged," and went on to name the accuser in a series of now-deleted tweets. "Breaking news this is a first folks las vegas police was just at my house i have been charged with rape by a [name redacted] from las vegas," he wrote this morning. "All media welcome to this drama filled event. Did i rape [name redacted] or is she lieing. Stay tuned to another day in the life of Jose Canseco."

The 48-year-old also dared the accuser --who is a fitness instructor living in Sin City--to take a polygraph test on live television, and promised to do the same. He also posted the woman's phone number encouraging the media to call and "ask her if she will take a polygraph."

Tess Driver, spokesperson for the Las Vegas district attorney's office told Buzzfeed that Canseco is simply confused by how the legal system works. "From [his tweets], it sounds like Metro [Police] just went to his house to question him," Driver explained. "So, they are probably just in the investigation stage at this point."

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