Saturday, May 18, 2013

Not Awkward At All SMH: Man Wakes Up During His Funeral

A man in Zimbabwe was believed to be deceased, when he abruptly woke up, effectively freaking out everyone in the room. Brighton Dama Zanthe was thought to have succumbed to a long bout with illness when he "returned from the dead," last week.

While others tripped over one another trying to get away from the resurrection, Zanthe's boss faced it head on walking up to the coffin to inspect the medical marvel, and calling an ambulance (which came in seven minutes--the medical workers were also surprised to see a dead man alive and well). Once at the hospital, the 34-year-old said he had no recollection of all that had transpired. "This issue can be best told by people who came to my house to attend my funeral. I don't know what happened and I only remember being on a life support system in the hospital,” he said. "Everything is history to me. What I can only confirm is that people gathered at my house to mourn but I was given another chance and I am alive. I feel okay now."

As far his family and friends knew, Zanthe passed away a week prior. He started moving his hands and legs as funeral attendees walked by his casket, which came right on time because he was headed for burial. "At first I could not believe my eyes but later realized that there was indeed some movements on the body as other mourners retreated in disbelief," said his employer, Lot Gaka. The Gettingson Bus Company owner was the first to notice Zanthe's movements. "Zanthe had been on sick leave for some time and everyone at work was aware that he was critical," Gaka continued. "We would visit him at his home. I was not surprised when I received a call from Zanthe's wife saying that her husband had died."

Zanthe's story isn't unique. A South African man woke up in morgue freezer after he was declared dead.

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