Friday, May 31, 2013

Them Texas Ribs Serious!: Texas Man Sentenced To 50 Years For Stealing $35 Pack Of Ribs

A Texas man was slapped with an extra stiff prison sentence Wednesday (29), all for stealing a pack of ribs in September 2011.

Willie Smith Ward jacked a $35 pack of swine from the H-E-B grocery store in Waco. A jury concluded that the incident turned into a robbery because Ward threatened the store clerk who tried to stop him from leaving.

The employee testified that Ward stuffed the ribs under his shirt, and said he had "a knife" when asked what he was hiding. "If you don't leave me alone, I'll show you what I got," he reportedly said. The worker responded, "Now you just turned a ticket into a serious crime."

Ward is also a five-time felon with a bunch of offenses --including robbery, aggravated assault, coke possession, and two thefts-- to his name.

Jurors deliberated for only two minutes before returning a guilty verdict. It took an hour to come up with the punishment. "This verdict shows that the citizens of this country will not tolerate a continued disrespect and disregard for other people and their property," said Assistant D.A. J.R. Vicha, who prosecuted Ward. "People who chose to do so will be dealt with seriously and appropriately. "

Ward rejected a 20-year plea deal before the trial, he will have to serve at least 25 years before being eligible for parole.- See more at:

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